Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hospital today... for nothing

Since the beginning of my illness, I have had heart 'issues' - namely a fast pulse, high blood pressure, and occasional palpitations. On Monday the doctor issued a prescription for a medicine to help this - he said it is most likely a side effect from the steroids - but insurance has taken their sweet time authorizing it. I was having palpitations today, really wanting to finally get this pill. My mom called the doctor's office to let them know, and their strong advice was to go to the Emergency Room to make sure everything was OK with my heart. I really didn't want to go to the hospital - I have been feeling relatively good since last Thursday's chemo - but my mom and I followed the recommendation. My EKG was normal but my cancer doc told the ER doc he wanted to admit me overnight to monitor me! I'm getting chemo in the morning and have an appointment at 9 AM. We were so frustrated. I told the doctor that I was fine, I wanted to go home, I just needed the medicine! Long story, short: we were in the hospital for four hours today and my heart is fine. I got the prescription approved, finally, and took it as soon as I got home. Now I am at home, will watch American Idol, go to sleep, and be back tomorrow first thing in the morning for chemo. It was a giant waste of time, and now we have learned our lesson about calling the doctor!

On another note, my body is still changing dramatically. My face, waist, stomach, and chest are all ballooning up - I look like I'm a pregnant woman. It's really gross... but I'm only on this stupid steroid for one more week...

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