Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pump Me Up

Mom and I were in the hospital for 10 hours yesterday and 4 today - I got two chemo drugs, tylenol, benadryl, anti-nausea medicine, one unit of platelets, and two units of red blood cells. As expected this time, my counts were very low. I feel a lot better than I did on Sunday, but it is rough sitting in a hospital room for that long with no TV on so many drugs. It was certainly worth it. My nurses are great, though, and we brought them doughnuts today!


  1. And besides all that-Jake got an e-mail today from his professor who stated that Jake's 30 page research paper that he was finally able to write and submit through this whole process was "typically brilliant" and Jake received a 98 percent! Jake received A's in all the classes that he had pending work on when he became ill.
    He truly is an inspiration to us all and I could not be more proud of my fabulous kid!!

  2. Typically brilliant - I would expect nothing less. He is typically wonderful every time I see him!

  3. Dude - Congrats on the paper! You are amazing! Hope I get the chance to see you next week. Take care. Aud
