Wednesday, July 8, 2009

the week off

- I've been pretty nauseated still every day. I get really hungry but don't have much of an appetite for anything... and my stomach doesn't tolerate eating much (quality or quantity).
- Buzzed my hair again because it's thinner, crispy (I don't know another way to explain it), and kinda ratty. The majority of it's still there, though.
- Counts are probably still too low to go out, so I'm not... but I'm stretching every day, walking most days after the sun goes down, and lifting light weights once or twice a week. Trying to keep my muscles active and not let the chemo get to them again!
- Trying to find motivation to finish my darn research paper.

1 comment:

  1. You can do it! I love that line by Rob Schneider in at least two of Adam Sandlers flicks. And I know you will do it, even with 'chemo brain'. Keep up the good work.

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