Monday, July 13, 2009


Cancer can kill us,
but it can also make us come alive.
Some cancers are in remission, others are in relapse.
There is cancer in our skin, in our blood, and maybe in our bones.
It travels to our breasts, to our lungs, or perhaps to our brain.
The disease mutates the very essence of basic human biology.
Cancer can tear a family to pieces,
or build one out of the shattered remains of people who once were.
Cancer takes us down dark and unknown paths,
to possibly find an adventure we have always been waiting for.
While on the dark, unknown paths appropriately called Life,
cancer can be a friend, a lover, a teacher, an enemy.
We have all known cancer,
during different times, for different reasons, and by different names.
Above all, cancer teaches us a lesson.
Cancer teaches us that we know no lesson.
Cancer will make us cry.
Cancer will make us pissed.
Cancer will make us love.
Cancer will make us fight.
Hopefully, cancer will make us learn.

Jake Harvey 7/13/2009
**don't rip me off, cancer's also expensive


  1. Jake - your way with words never ceases to amaze me. As always, I miss and love you.


  2. WOW Jakey!

    I am so proud of you every day- you have no idea. This is an incredible journey we are taking and in the end, you will say "I win" and I will be right there applauding you.


  3. Your writing continues to move me and provide comfort, laughter, thought, pride, love, respect, and last but not least, awe!

    You are handling your cancer in such a truthful, straight-forward, sometimes humorous and sometimes brutally frank, manner. We are so, so blessed to have you in our lives and learn from you each step of the way!

    aolfeaea, NTG

  4. Jake:
    What a touching heartfelt poem. I think cancer also teaches us to appreciate every day we have on this earth and to empathize with every human being. Everyone is going through something and needs to be recognized.
    Also, don't sweat the small stuff!
    Love ya,
