Thursday, July 2, 2009

Beautiful Bruises

I have attached some really appealing pictures of the bruising on my belly from my blood-thinning shots, the Lovenox! ENJOY!! :)

Doctor's visit this morning was the only major update for this week. Monday I'm going to have my chest/heart looked at again at the hospital's radiology center to make sure the blood clot is gone. The odd tastes and smells I've been having are a side effect of the chemo, but the nausea shouldn't be as bad as it has been - they ordered a new drug to hopefully help with that, and if it doesn't they are going to refer me to a GI specialist. My counts are coming back up, but most of them are too low to start the next 4 weeks of treatment on Monday. I am going in on Monday, however, after the radiologist, to check my counts. The doctor bet they wouldn't be ready but the nurse practitioner bet they would. Still losing some hair, the top of my head doesn't look normal but I'm growing it out some more just to see what happens!


  1. Hey Jake,

    Blood clot? Did you blog about that before?

    Picasso might be inspired by your hairy little belly! Thanks for the updates though, I appreciate them. I keep forgetting to tell you that I have been donating plasma out here in OC where they take it and make drugs to treat different diseases. Keep up the good fight!

    Unkie D

  2. Jake,
    You've got good color! Isn't that what people say when you look healthy? On the selfish side for you, I hope your counts are off so you can feel better and play before the next round of chemicals. The other side says, I hope your counts are up, then I know you will be feeling better and your closer to getting this 3 yr. stunt over with! Whatever God decides for you, I hope you start to feel better, neck, body aches, heart, etc. I'm very proud of you, in that you continue to have a good attitude and work on your school work through all the treatment. Keep it up, just imagine the stories you can tell in an interview on how you got through college! With that type of perserverance, you're sure to land something grand! You deserve it!
    Take care, Happy 4th! Aud
