Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A week "off"

This week has proven that the glorious week off isn't as cracked up as it's supposed to be. I'm finding I have only enough energy to do a little at a time. I got a horrible head and neck ache today and had to cancel most of the day's plans - I'm going to the chiropracter again tomorrow - yesterday's visit helped but obviously not enough. Hopefully I'll have more energy day by day and can do more.


  1. Hey Jake! Great to hear that you are in remission as well! I was just wondering if you were going to go to the survivor day this Sunday at the hospital. Hope to hear back from ya soon.
    Natalie :)

  2. Hi Jake - Sure hope your neck and head are feeling better. Some of those chiros can work wonders.

    Noticed you changed the banner on your blog to "winning" - great idea!

    So ready for my weekend - hope you are too!!

    Take care, Shelby
