Monday, August 3, 2009

Toxicity is funny... or not.

Well... my platelets came up! Everything else was down. I'm getting two units of blood again tomorrow. Got to talk about the next phase with the doctor... the first few weeks should be easier, but my counts will be knocked down again after. Guess we'll get to wait and see again.


  1. Hi Jake,
    No comments does not mean we aren't reading your posts! I am praying that the doctors aren't misleading you when they promise the next weeks will be better. I'm sure you are too.
    All the best ..... and soon!!!
    Ruthanne and the PFLAG Flagstaff group.

  2. Hi Ruthanne & Co. - Thanks for your good wishes and prayers. I don't mean for it to sound like the doctors can be misleading... it's just that they can be overly optimistic about how I'll be feeling, and when I don't live up to their descriptions, it can become frustrating. But we've slowly realized that what is normal for one leukemia patient is rarely the same for others. We all experience different side effects from the drugs, and different levels of those effects. It's all rather mindnumbing and crazy when you think about it!

  3. ... and I truly do have amazing doctors and nurses!
