Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday 5.11

Had another better day today... really fatigued but no pain or nausea! Some energy enough this afternoon to finally get back to reading for school. I take a lot of naps and have crazy dreams (from the steroids, apparently..)

Doc's appt this morning - everything is looking good right now, chemo is on thursday and I will only have to leave the house if I get a fever or something crazy like that.

Lauren, Ian, and Kelly are bringing me good company and great food tomorrow... Cassie and Jessica are doing the same on Wednesday. I have great friends!!

OH and Uncle Todd should be by tonight to give me a short buzz - my hair should start falling out this next two week period, and having a tight buzz will make the experience a lot less... 'hairy.'

1 comment:

  1. It's a good look (works for Todd)!

