Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Counts are up

Yesterday at my doctor's visit, my blood counts were up enough for the doctors to grant me one of my wishes - I can go to the movies today! Kelly and I are going to see Star Trek at a matinee, before the theatre gets busy. Still no fresh fruits or veggies until my ANC goes above 500, but I'm super excited to be able to leave and see this film! I have been feeling good, and we're still rearranging my room back to where it feels like "mine" again. It should be done this weekend. Mrs Britton came by yesterday for a visit, and it was nice to chat with her.

The steroid I am on, predisone, has made my eat like crazy (I've mentioned this before). But, very surprisingly, I have lost about 15 pounds in the last three weeks despite my insane appetite. I have noticed the effects of the steroid on my body shape - my arms and legs have been getting skinnier but all of my body fat is surrounding my stomach and butt... I'm starting to look a bit preggers! Not to worry, though, I only have to take the steroid for 9 more days... and I'll be able to join the gym again, too :)

They gave us the 'road map' for the second phase of treatment yesterday as well. I will be done with this first phase next Thursday (May 28) and will get my PICC line out of my arm. I basically get a week break then - no chemo, no steroids, no blood draws. This is perfect timing for my brothers graduation on Saturday the 30 when all of our family and friends will be in town... I should be feeling pretty good that weekend. The following week is when I will have the port put in my chest and begin the 9-week (ish) second phase of chemotherapy called Consolidation. This phase has different drugs, a different regimen, and will have different side effects. But that is weeks away--- and it sounds like the next two weeks will be fairly good for me and my family.


  1. Bro - I think you need a blog or blurb whatever, about how wonderful your brother has been through this all. I mean, besides Robert, I provide all the comic relief. I also wear TWO!! bracelets for you (Livestrong and Don't Blend In) and I made it to state for discus just for you (I imagined the disc was a lymphoblast) I mean... come on. People need to know this information. I never once worried about you either! So I havent been a downer ;)

  2. WOW, your soooo awsome Jake!
    Im Abbys friend from school, my name is Jessica. Anyways, I wish you luck with your chemo! Also, I named one of my webkinz (ask Abby what that is) after you!


    and thanks, Jessica, I'll be sure to ask Abby about that. :)
