Monday, June 29, 2009

This is Spinal Tap

This weekend was pretty rough, my counts are pretty low so I'm weaker and not feeling too hot. Plus-- I can't go out, and weekend TV sucks. I tried working on my paper but got really frustrated because of what I call "chemo brain"... these days it is hard to focus on something for too long - even reading parts of my books or magazines. To write a senior research paper is infinitely harder while on chemo brain. I had Cassie, Jessica & Ryan visit on Saturday, but didn't feel up to another visit on Sunday. My neck is getting better still but the nausea is hanging around.

This morning was my last spinal tap for a while after five Monday procedures in a row(!). I was really out of it today and I got a pretty intense spinal headache/lower back pain this afternoon. Caffeine helps the spinal pain so Mom got me some coffee. Lauren, Ian & Kelly stopped by this evening once I was feeling a little bit better and visited for a while, which was really nice... felt like the two years living in Flagstaff when we would hang out and make dirty jokes. The four of us would make good characters for a sit-com!


  1. Jake ~
    Glad to hear you are doing well. This phase really stinks huh? Natalie has had a great week but unfortunatley we go tomorrow for her second round of Cytosin and Ara-C. It's a bummer because we know that means her counts will drop and we unlike you have trouble avoiding the fever and hospital stays. Hopefully this time we can avoid going back. Enjoy your time off before your second dose. It was nice. As much as we hate the breaks because we want to get this over with, we do enjoy Natalie feeling better.
    The nausea is ridiculous! We will be at the clinic Tuesday for 6-7 hours so if you are in pop in and see us. Take Care!
    Sharon and Natalie

  2. I'm sorry you felt crappy today but I hope you enjoyed the visit! I wholeheartedly agree that we could have our own sit-com. Or reality show. We're very amusing.

  3. Jake,
    You've got a great support system I know especially with your mom being the assertive, knowledgeable one that she is. And good friends with a truthful quip is awesome medicine. I wish I could be part of it - I miss you more than I can express here. I feel for you. When you have 'chemo brain' if you can handle a 90 minute movie 'Henry Poole is Here' might be the second best medicine. Everyone should see it for the story in it and I'd really like to know what you think of it. I take my third architecture licensing exam in 8 days at noon today that lasts 3 hours and it hurts to sit right now so send me some good vibes and I'll send you some too!


  4. Dude keep it up man! i admire your bravery and determination!
